Female Sex Offender Evaluations


Female sex offender evaluations, as with males evaluations, is predominately driven by the need to establish the likelihood of future recurrences of sexual offending behavior and to identify interventions that would reduce their risk of recidivism.

In order to make a determination of risk of sexual recidivism, one must consider the individual characteristics of the offender that increase or decrease the probability of recidivism. These are referred to as static and dynamic factors. Dynamic risk factors are amenable to change and the elements that are addressed in treatment and in the management of sexual offenders in order to reduce the risk of recidivism. Risk factors may indicate a higher risk of recidivism than other female sex offenders.

Static risk factors for female sex offenders include:

  1. A prior criminal history;
  2. Number of prior convictions;
  3. Number of prior sexual offense arrests;
  4. Number of prior child abuse offenses (non-sexual);
  5. Number of prior drug arrests.

Dynamic risk factors for female sex offenders include:

  1. Denial and minimization of the offending behavior;
  2. Distorted view about the sexual offending and sexual abuse in general;
  3. Problematic relationship (e.g., characterized by abuse) and intimacy deficits;
  4. Use of sex to regulate emotional states or fulfill intimacy needs;
  5. Desire for intimacy with victim or co-defendant;
  6. Wanting revenge or wanting to humiliate;
  7. Antisocial attitudes or attitudes tolerant of sexual offending;
  8. Antisocial associates;
  9. Substance abuse;
  10. Lack of an adequately supportive social network.
Vivian Shnaidman